Shodor Computational Science Institute

Hyper-Syllabus -- Week A

This syllabus will be changed to include links to materials as the workshop progresses. The materials will include note outlines and daily summaries with photos.

Sunday - Opening Reception
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:30-9:00 Introductions and egg observation Debrief on Stella and Excel Debrief on Birds of a Feather Roundtable on Ideas for work for rest of week Update on Ideas for work for rest of week
9:15-10:15 Computers and Science Arithmetic and Error Birds of a Feather Computers and Simulation Work time
10:30-11:30 Lab -- straws Lab -- look and feel of zero Birds of a Feather Lab -- Fire Simulation Lab / mini-session
1-2:15 Modeling with Stella and Excel Modeling with Maple and Matlab Birds of a Feather Lab / mini-session Lab / mini-session
2:30-4:30 Lab -- Bungee Exercises with Maple and Matlab Lab / mini-session Lab / mini-session Lab / mini-session
7:00-9:00 Exercises with stella and excel Birds of a Feather Free Evening Lab / mini-session Formal Dinner
Saturday - Final Presentations

Last Update:

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