Assessment Questions for Session 10

Choose the best answer:

  1. When selecting a domain within which to apply a meteorological model, which of the following is not an issue when considering what type of domain should be used?
    a) computing resources
    b) National Weather Service data availability
    c) terrain within the domain
    d) the meteorological model
    e) none of the above

  2. What is the goal of FDDA?
    a) make predicted temperatures almost equal observed temperatures
    b) to improve the performance of the meteorological model
    c) incorporate actual observations to hopefully create a better description of the atmosphere
    d) to replace science in geographical areas where we know very little

  3. You want to apply a meteorological model on a 54km horizontal resolution gridded domain. You have gridded terrain available at 12km horizontal resolution. Which of the following is NOT an issue to consider when trying to convert the 12km data to 54km?

    a) map projection of the terrain data
    b) map projection of the meteorological model
    c) the origin of the meteorological modeling domain
    d) the origin of the terrain data
    e) the units of the terrain data
    f) none of the above

  4. Emissions preprocessor systems usually require the following meteorological information EXCEPT :
    a) temperature
    b) atmospheric pressure
    c) wind speed
    d) cloud cover
    e) humidity
    f) none of the above

  5. Which of the following emission sources do NOT require meteorological information when trying to create emission inputs for an AQM?
    a) power plant stacks
    b) automobiles
    c) lawn mowers
    d) trees
    e) none of the above


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