GalaxSee Application

Click on the link below to launch the test application. If Java Web Start is already installed on your machine you will be asked to give the program permission to run. After giving it permission it will be installed and executed on your machine. If Java Web Start isn't installed on your machine you will be redirected to Sun's website, where you can download and install Java 5 (which contains Java Web Start) prior to being asked for permission to run the application.

New Component to GalaxSee: Galaxy Maker

Galaxy now includes a pre-alpha Galaxy Maker component (which may be invoked by selecting Galaxy -> New Galaxy -> Galaxy Maker), allowing the user to graphically create a galaxy and then view the galaxy's evolution. Operating Instructions

Sample Systems

The following sample galaxy data files may be downloaded to your computer and loaded into the application.

Using Windows, right click on the link to the data file, select "Save Target As" and choose a location on your hard disk to save the file. Using Mac OSX, control click or right click on the link to the file, select "Download Linked File As", and choose a location on your hard disk to save the file.

Important notes for PC Users:

Important Notes for OSX Users:
  1. If you have installed Mac OSX Java Update 4 and clicking the Launch button opens a text file in a text editor instead of the application, please open a Terminal under Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal and type or copy/paste the following command on one line:
    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
    Afterwards, please try to re-launch the activity.
  2. Many macs will automatically append a ".txt" extension to the downloaded .gal file, so for example, your mac may rename the file from "" to "". This file cannot be loaded into the application as is, because only files with a ".gal" extension may be loaded into the application.

    To circumvent this, first open your Finder, select Finder -> Preferences. Click the Advanced tab (if not already active), and check the box "Show all file extensions" if not already checked.


    After you download a data file, highlight the ".txt" portion of the file name and press "delete".

    Confirm that you wish to change the file extension from ".txt" to ".gal."

Retrieving Updates

If you have already installed GalaxSee and you have a shortcut on your desktop, double-clicking the icon will install any updates before running the application, assuming you are online. (If you are not online when you double-click the icon, your most recent update of GalaxSee will be launched.)

Uninstalling the Application

If you have already installed GalaxSee and you wish to UNinstall it, click here. Select the application(s) you wish to remove and click the red X (Windows, Linux) or "Remove" (Mac OSX). On Windows/Linux, remove the application "GalaxSee". On Mac OSX, remove the applications "GalaxSee", "JOGL", and "JOGL Supporting Jar".